How to use NLP to improve SEO

January 15, 2022


Search engine optimization (SEO) is very important for businesses who want to increase their online presence. Natural Language Processing (NLP) can be used to improve the quality of content and keywords on a website for better SEO performance. In this post, we'll compare the use of NLP in SEO and how it can improve site rankings.

Site content optimization

NLP can help businesses to identify and create high-quality content that will improve their site's rankings. By analyzing the text on a website, NLP can identify important topics, questions, and phrases that users are searching for. This helps businesses to create content that targets specific questions and interests, making it more likely that their site will appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).

A study by Moz shows that long-form content (over 1,000 words) leads to higher search rankings on Google. Using NLP to create long-form content can enhance the readability and relevance of the content, making it more engaging for users and improving its rankings.

Keyword optimization

NLP can also help businesses to identify the most relevant and popular keywords to use on their website. By analyzing user queries and identifying related keywords, businesses can optimize their website for the keywords that are most likely to attract traffic to their website.

A comparison by Ahrefs found that NLP can help businesses find long-tail keywords that have a low search volume but high relevance. This can result in higher traffic to a site, as traffic from long-tail keywords has a higher conversion rate.

Competitive analysis

NLP can be used to analyze the content of competing websites to identify gaps in content and keywords. This helps businesses to create more targeted, relevant, and high-quality content that sets them apart from their competitors.

A study by SEMrush demonstrates that using NLP to analyze competitor keywords can help businesses target areas where they may not currently be ranking, leading to more traffic and higher rankings.


In conclusion, using NLP to improve SEO can enhance the quality and relevance of site content and keywords, leading to higher traffic and rankings. By using NLP to analyze user queries and competitor data, businesses can create more targeted and relevant content that sets them apart from their competitors.

Through this post, we have seen how NLP enhances site rankings and has shown clear benefits for businesses that implement it. As more businesses adopt NLP technology, its use for SEO purposes will increase, and those who do not take advantage of its benefits will fall behind in the race for search engine rankings.


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